

I’m back from my trip to India after two years, the trip was great. I spent my New years at Goa and it was amazing. This trip also gave me a chance to take off from work and think about something other than work and weekends.

This trip also helped me get a perspective if nothing else. The most important thing, I realized in this trip is that no matter we change countries, accents or attitudes, there’s something intrinsic that will always tie us to what we are and that will never change, that with which we identify ourselves and people relate to us, that which keeps us, us.

8 Responses to “Perspective”

  1. 1 rads

    Welcome back!

    Yep, we will be who we are, but that ‘being’ is surely affected by our experiences. πŸ™‚

  2. What were you trying to change?? girl friends?? πŸ˜›

  3. 3 ranmon

    Welcome back!

  4. Omg i’m so jealous — i’ve always wanted to go to Goa. What other Indian cities did you visit?

  5. Write more about what you were trying to change, and how?
    and also please write about Shantaram. I am yet to start reading it.

  6. 6 wavesnsands

    😦 u didn’t contact me when u were in Goa!! NOT FAIR

    @manpreet u can read my take on Shantaram πŸ™‚

  7. @rads: you nicely summarized it all, thanks.

    @Manasa: I can assure you, defnitely not that part.

    @ranmon: thanks.

    @princess: I was in Bangalore too….but Goa was great.

    @manpreet: Its diffcult to put that part into words, but I’ll try in some future post. Abt Shantaram …. done!

    @wavesnsands: It was a short trip with friends and im sure u’ll understand I didnt have any spare time. But besides, i like this net friendship we have, why would you want to spoil that πŸ™‚

  8. hi,really great jeans,do you know where i can find that.thanks,bill

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